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I woke yesterday with a feeling of trepidation. My finances are a mess. My business is failing. I have nothing left in the bank and only 10 days until my rent is due. My bills are all behind. I could not shake the fear of being evicted, of dealing with creditors, of hitting rock bottom.

I have long understood the Law of Attraction from an intellectual perspective. I truly believe it, but I have never been a conscious creator…at least not for long.

I began searching for a way to calm myself. I was feeling physically ill from the worry and the fear. I tried a meditation session…I could not calm my mind. I tried listening to positive audio tracks that I have amassed over the years. Nothing worked.

Then I remembered listening to “The Map” a few months ago. I decided to come to the website and there I found the post “In Case of Financial Emergency — Read This!” ( Deciding that I had no other choice, I followed the instructions in the post. Afterwards, I did feel better.

I began thinking about my beliefs about money. I suddenly realized that I have a deep seated belief that the only way to get money is to earn it. I began thinking about how things need not be that way…money can come from unlimited sources…as long as I am willing to allow it to. I thought very hard about that and began trying to convince myself that this could happen for me.

I went for a long walk in the late afternoon. I kept my mind on thinking about the unlimited sources of money. As I walked along the path, I found a dime lying on the ground…I stopped and picked it up…a smile came to me and my heart felt much lighter…was this the Universe responding to my plea? The rest of my walk seemed like a joy. I relished the fresh, clean air, and the quiet of the park where I walked.

I arrived home shortly after 6pm and set about preparing a meal. I had forgotten, temporarily, about my money worries. I enjoyed my meal and relaxed with a book afterwards. I felt at peace.

About 7:30pm my phone chimed, letting me know I had received an email. As I read the email, I had tears well up in my eyes. The email was from the owner of a business website where I had, more than a year ago, purchased a lifetime membership. I had never found the site as useful as I thought I would when I bought the membership. The owner informed me that he was shutting down the site, and he would be returning most of my membership fee. All he needed was to know what email address to use for the e-transfer. I could never have imagined this source of money…NEVER!

I know that I am not out of the woods yet, but I can clearly see that I just have to relax about my financial issues. I have to trust in the Universe to provide first what I need, and then what I want. I now realize how quickly the Universe responds, and all I need do is be willing to receive. It can happen so quickly…

9 comments add a comment

9 comments to " It Happens So Quickly… "

  • donnamarie

    You are strong and I love that you followed the signs! And guess what?! I found a dime sweeping my floor today! We are co-creators. My abundance is your abundance is my abundance! LOL ! So thank you!

  • Don Francis

    Just a quick update…

    Since I posted this about 8 months ago, things have turned completely around for me. I have taken a good job, which is allowing me to catch up on things and pay my bills as I get ready to open my own business. The business will launch on July 7, 2015.

    The Universe has continued to supply me with a wealth of learning opportunities and with many situations in which I can see how truly wonderfully everything is working out for me. I have begun to really enjoy the journey and I look forward to what each day brings.

    I wish health, happiness, and prosperity in all things to each of you.

  • Robin k Hutchinson


  • Gayla

    “It happens so quickly” by donfrancis. eg. the Universe responding to financial need.

  • Gayla

    Truly great – will have to work on that.

  • lindahen

    Love those signs!

  • Jennifer Eby

    Oh, what a wonderful story. Paying attention to the signs, I just love that you noticed. It’s amazing how fast your head can bring you down, but equally as quickly it can pull you back out of it. Stay positive!

  • Boni

    Yes! It does happen quickly Donfrancis! Congratulations for allowing your reality to shift and change so beautifully. It’s an amazing world we live in, if we’ll only work within it’s framework. xo Boni

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