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Hi Boni,

I wanted to get in touch to tell you and your website users about the success I have had with the Map and to give people some tips that really helped me to manifest what I wanted.

I bought a copy of the book in the Spring of 2016 and very quickly had written out my list of intentions for everything that I wanted in my life: my career, my home, my love life, my social life, my finances, everything! It was a long list, over 2 sides of A4 and took a long time to read every morning and every evening. I realised that if I wanted ALL of these things, it was going to take a while for them to manifest and that actually there were certain things on the list that I wanted sooner than others. My career for example. I kept the long list but started to refer to it as my long term intentions. Instead I picked ONE THING that I wanted and was very specific about it. I started a manifestation journal and wrote to the universe that before the end of the year, a business (could be my current employer or a new one) would offer me a ‘Head of Dept’ job title and a salary of £X (£10k more than what I am currently earning). I made a conscious decision to a. pick something I believed was possible (I have been working in my field for 10 years so I have the required experience to be a Head of Dept although i am not at present) and b. something I believed strongly that I deserved. It is much easier to ask the universe for things that you believe you deserve as your heart is totally in it! So I started applying for jobs with those two criteria. Every time the universe put other jobs in my way I wrote in my manifestation journal: Thank You but this isn’t what I want. Just to reiterate, I want this…..

Well, to cut a long story short, I was offered a job last month that fulfils both criteria. However, that’s not all. The more I learn about the new organisation that I am going to work for, the more I am amazed at what the universe has delivered. It has manifested a job for an organisation that works in a field that I am passionate about: female empowerment and is doing some incredible stuff in the world. I had no idea about all this when I applied for the job, I was just focussed on the job title and the salary. The universe has not just delivered the next stage in my career, but a life purpose that is going to change my life. I would never have set my intentions for this, as it is beyond my wildest dreams and I wouldn’t even have thought of it. So I have learnt, set your basic criteria (keep it simple) and then let the universe create something so much better for you than you can imagine. Thank the universe regularly for sending new opportunities your way, but stand firm, if its not meeting your criteria, then say thank you but reiterate what you want again.

By picking one thing and focussing on this every day, every week, it gives you (and it) more power. I think I also felt as though things were happening and that I was more likely to see something ‘pay off’. Now I have proven to myself that it works, I have moved on to my next intention, my love life and I am now confident that I can manifest the man of my dreams. If you don’t believe that you deserve your intention, you won’t get it so start with something you believe in really strongly, it really helps to build your confidence with manifestataons.

Thank you Boni for changing my life and good luck to all of you out there who are trying to manifest their dreams – hang in there!

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1 comment to " How I manifested my dream job "

  • Boni

    OMG you were BRILLIANT KFuller! I am grinning…so so so delighted that you took the manifestation ball and ran with it! Your ideas are spot on and your reality proves it! Congratulations, my friend! You know it now…all you are capable of creating…the fun has just begun!
    Much love,

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