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We’ve been living in darkness on this planet. Few have discovered the fact that we do create our own realities and fewer have successfully applied it to all aspects of their lives. What makes this concept even more confusing, is that many have written and spoken about it in half truths.

Why are so many confused about conscious creation?

People are confused because there are subtleties that they don’t know about or understand. At one point in time, respected, learned men (sorry women, our opinion just didn’t matter back then), wholeheartedly believed the earth was flat. Why? Because it was a logical conclusion based on the information they had at the time.

Similarly, many have speculated as to how reality creation works given the information they possessed at the time. But we know more now. It’s not that “creative visualization” was wrong when it was written—it was that it explained only a portion of the facts.

To begin to know the truth about conscious creation, it’s helpful to look at some of the generalizations that keep people confused (and dis-empowered).

Half truths we’ve been told:

1. Conscious creation isn’t simply changing your perspective and re-framing bad news as good— although if you do create lemons you might as well make lemonade. But if you can stop creating lemons in the first place, isn’t that a better choice?

2. Conscious creation isn’t simply giving up desire and being happy with what you have. Although gratitude is an immensely important tool in conscious creation, humans need dreams to fuel our excitement and passion. Consciously creating success is one of the major reasons you are here, and manifesting your dreams and desires is a lot of fun.

3. Conscious creation isn’t just about the power of positive thinking. Of course being positive helps, but it is just a small piece of the whole pie.

4. Yet, is’t also not about living only for the future and not enjoying each and every now moment. It’s a balancing act really, staying fully in the moment and savoring each and every minute of this precious life while feeling as if you have the entire glorious dream.

5. And conscious creation certainly isn’t “turning your life over to God” and trusting whatever shows up is “meant to be”.  Although I absolutely believe in God and his/her ability to love us unconditionally and assist in our creations, this is a planet of free will. God has a hands-off policy (unless asked or in dire circumstance) and we knew that coming in.

We are here to wake up to the divinity within us and to prove our power to ourselves. Then, and only then, showing up powerful, self-loving, and filled with joy, may we ask God/Goddess to come and create with us.

It’s the half truths that disillusion and disappoint. They leave us powerless and sometimes even hopeless. But there is a light of awakening flickering within many of us. And somehow, we know there is more to the story and that we have greater ability than we’ve ever imagined.

THE most amazing truth

We have the God and Goddess given ability to create our life, and our world exactly as we’d like it. We have the power to choose not only our happiness, but to draw to us realities that will make us even happier, more prosperous, joyous, creative, wealthy, healthy, loved, and loving.

When I first became aware of this concept, I was so excited I spent every spare minute reading and learning about how to do it. Little did I know it would take me years to perfect the artistry of conscious creation.  The good news is, throughout the journey my life got better and better.

This is not to say it was all delightful forward movement from then on. Creating one’s reality requires becoming conscious of things we’ve hidden from ourselves. Some of those things we’ve kept hidden our entire lives. And sometimes the reason they’ve been hidden is because as a child or adolescent they were just too painful to look at.

Everyone has the ability to create a life they love. Everyone. Some are not ready for this news yet. Some have more pressing issues to deal with now, such as surviving day to day. But if you are reading this, you are ready.

Your life can be more than you have ever imagined. I am not talking about the trappings – the cars, the money, the career, the spouse–although they will come. I am talking about the deep meaning life can have, the joy, the ecstasy even, and especially the fun! Life should and can be ever increasing experiences of fun.

You can only imagine so far out right now. And at the edge of your imagining the very best your life can be, lives another you, who has that life. Let’s call that you a future you; and that future you isn’t done dreaming either–we’re never done dreaming. That future you has a dream you cannot yet imagine.

Will those dreams be dreams of more cars, money, houses, and possessions? Probably not… you can only have so many of those things and it gets boring (really).

The future your future self will be dreaming of will include more love, joy, fun, meaning, creativity, connectedness, and a planet that has those beautiful energies in spades. Imagine that!

In joyous creation,

Boni’s award-winning book, The Map,  has changed thousands of lives. Jam-packed with plenty of delicious detail, this “GPS to your dreams” can help you pinpoint an exact path to creating the life you were born to live. Click here to learn more or buy. 

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8 comments to " What Conscious Creation Isn’t "

  • Glayne Simpkins

    Thanks so much for taking the time to reply Boni. It’s always nice just to have the odd bit of reassurance that you are now correctly. That’ll be going on my gratitude list.

    Thanks again



    • You are most welcome Gem. There is lots of reassurance and guidance available to all of us. We just need to believe/remember we are worthy of it and that it is available.

      Much love,

  • Glayne Simpkins

    Hi Boni

    Thanks for the article I read it with interest. I have recently lost a relationship that meant the world to me and I am very keen to get it back. I have asked the universe and have now let it go and told the universe I trust it. I write daily gratitude lists, have started saying love affirmations, am working on myself by volunteering, exercise and diet. Have. I got the right idea, am I just giving over to the universe as you mentioned above or am I on the right lines?

    Lots of love


    • Gem,

      You do have the right idea! I would ask, “This or better!” and let go of whether it is this particular person, or someone even better for you!

      Wishing you great success!

  • christian

    hey Boni,

    a lovely article.
    I tend to think, that I know the law of attraction fully and what is meant by saying: Conscious Creation, but every article from you shows me the little piece, I was still missing.

    With regards to this article. When you say it is not going about the Trappings, which I think is well described, should we focus (only) more on the Essence of our wish? Let’s say I want to move away and owning my own house would that be a trapping? The essence of that would be:
    I intend to live in a beautiful home near the sea, which is full of light, freedom, space and comfort. Is that the essence?

    You know, Boni. Am I right, that we (as humans) tend to start with the ‘forms’ or trappings when we are trying to create consciously? And when we have done that we slowly realize that it isn’t the form or trapping we want, but the unterlying feeling. You can correct me at any times, but I guess that you want to control the reality, when you focus on the form / trapping, right?

    I am still ‘a bit’ struggling to put my intention of what I really want (Essence) and the form in harmony. But maybe the problem lies in trying to combine those things. Do you actually have to decide what you focus on?

    Sorry Boni, for writing so much, but it just makes so much fun..
    Le’t say a woman wants to own a car and she focusses on an exact model, but what she really wants deep inside is the feeling of freedome, comfort, ease and independency.
    The woman would probably attract the optimal reality by focussing on the essence, right? Since those feelings can come in different ways, not only through owning a car, right?

    But where is then the difference to a woman who dreams of owning a Bentley Continental? I mean she probably has the same feelings, but if this Lady intends the Bentley, isn’t she focussed on the form and not on the essence? That makes me ponder, because a Bentley (for me) is much nicer than most other cars, but when it is all about Essence, why focus on the Bentley. Or better asked, why was the Lady attracted to the Bentley? I mean, it has something say, right? As if the Universe is telling her: “Lady, take that car, it suits you. ;)”

    I hope you forgive my Curiosity. ;)
    I wish you an awesome day.

    • Boni

      Hi Christian,

      I love your curiosity! Thinking through scenarios like this is what makes us all better conscious creators.

      I’d like to answer each of your questions.

      You ask: “When you say it is not going about the Trappings, which I think is well described, should we focus (only) more on the Essence of our wish? Let’s say I want to move away and owning my own house would that be a trapping? The essence of that would be: ‘I intend to live in a beautiful home near the sea, which is full of light, freedom, space and comfort. Is that the essence?’”

      Yes, definitely focusing on the essence will bring you a better outcome. But the essence part is a little different from what you describe. Anything that you can “see” with your physical eyes would be a “trapping”. So if you wanted to move away and own a home of your own, the essence is never something physical. In this case, the essence you desired would be independence, freedom, beauty, security, safety, expansiveness and perhaps even fun!

      Now that doesn’t mean you don’t have preferences…certainly a home by the sea could be an intention. But if you focus more on the essence than the form, the universe can deliver something far more wonderful than you can even imagine. For instance, being given a beautiful home overlooking a gorgeous waterfall!

      And you ask, “Am I right, that we (as humans) tend to start with the ‘forms’ or trappings when we are trying to create consciously?”

      Yes, I would agree. I started there and I think many do.

      You go on, “And when we have done that we slowly realize that it isn’t the form or trapping we want, but the underlying feeling. You can correct me at any times, but I guess that you want to control the reality, when you focus on the form/trapping, right?”

      Yes, Christian, that is it exactly. Most of us have belief systems that say we have to control in order to get what we want. But the truth is the exact opposite. It takes a while to replace those limiting beliefs.

      You ask, “I am still ‘a bit’ struggling to put my intention of what I really want (Essence) and the form in harmony. But maybe the problem lies in trying to combine those things. Do you actually have to decide what you focus on?”

      I am not quite following you here Christian. You do have to decide what to focus on. Have you downloaded my sample intentions?

      Love your last question: “Let’s say a woman wants to own a car and she focuses on an exact model, but what she really wants deep inside is the feeling of freedom, comfort, ease and independency.

      The woman would probably attract the optimal reality by focusing on the essence, right? Since those feelings can come in different ways, not only through owning a car, right?

      But where is then the difference to a woman who dreams of owning a Bentley Continental? I mean she probably has the same feelings, but if this Lady intends the Bentley, isn’t she focused on the form and not on the essence? That makes me ponder, because a Bentley (for me) is much nicer than most other cars, but when it is all about Essence, why focus on the Bentley. Or better asked, why was the Lady attracted to the Bentley? I mean, it has something say, right? As if the Universe is telling her: ‘Lady, take that car, it suits you. ;)’”

      I think the rule of thumb is to focus on the essence unless you have a specific desire. And even then, intend to have that desire “or better”. This allows the universe to deliver something that maybe you don’t even know about (in this case maybe a new car is released this woman never dreamed of).

      My hesitancy in even writing the above though, is some people become obsessed with getting ONE thing (usually a relationship with a specific person). And in that case, they would really need to look at the beliefs that are making them that obsessed.

      This was fun Christian! I hope it helped.


      • christian


        this is something I am absolutely grateful for – your response.

        “Anything that you can “see” with your physical eyes would be a “trapping”. So if you wanted to move away and own a home of your own, the essence is never something physical.“ That is gorgeous, it never crossed my mind. But now it gets clearer to me. As our World is only an illusion, it does not make sense to ‘focus’ on the physical. I now understand, thank you so much Boni. ;)

        PS: Would this Intention be a better one?

        I intend, to create a home where I feel secure, happy, independent, light-hearted, free and beautiful.
        When I say ‘home’ would that be correct, or is it a form? If so, how could I replace it?

        But thank you so much for making things much more clear. I get better at conscious creation. ;)


        • Boni

          Hi Christian,

          You are most welcome.

          And yes, that would be a perfect intention. We do have things we want physically, money, love, relationships, jobs, etc. And it’s not a bad thing… (we are physical after all)…but it’s ideal to tie essences to those physical things, as you did in your intention — perfect!


          And again, sometimes it is appropriate to “intend” for actual things…but always with “this or better”.

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